
Showing posts from February, 2021

Smoky Case

  I took my drink and went outside. I wanted to feel the breeze of the night. The house was feeling hot and I guessed resting outside was the best option. The moon did not shine bright which made me switch on my iPhone light. I was seated on the torn sofa there, sipping my Coca-Cola directly from the bottle and was listening happily to the music I was playing by from my iPod device. I never knew my big bro as I usually call him, had woken up from the noise I made while opening the door to go out. He had picked up a broken mop stick and was stealthily coming to me. I gulped down the last drink in the bottle and stretched my legs forward attempting to take a nap. The stupid mosquitoes made it impossible for the sleep to come. And so I switched off my iPhone light. Big Bro thought it was a thief as the sound I made assured him that someone was there. He looked through the window and saw 'a being' relaxed on the sofa. And my bro hardly calls anyone for help whenever there is a prob

The half-moved lawn. (Chapter 1)

Sh...! My father whispered. We were hiding behind some crates, from some enemies that were passing by. All we could hear were the reedy sounds from gunshots, marching boots and screaming voices. I looked up and saw fear on father's face. I wanted to tell him that men are not to fear, but I just didn't want those enemies to know where we were. Mother and sister had left with a bus to a refugee camp. Father couldn't go because the bus was full and I didn't let father go all alone so I also didn't go with the bus as well. I went on foot with father. Our enemies were three times as large as we were. And they also joined forces with some other countries, which made us feel we would not be able to survive as a country. They were fearless and we, fearful. The reek from decaying and some burning bodies filled the air. And the sun about to set made everything tougher for us. I brought out a wristwatch father bought for me, when it was my 7th birthday. The time was 4:37pm. Wh

The half-moved lawn. (prologue)

"Why is that man always like that?" Helen asked pointing at a man at a corner in the restaurant. "Good afternoon ma!" the counter attendant greeted. "Good afternoon, please does that man even eat here or do you know why he is that way?" "Ma'am we don't know why he is always like that and we've asked if there is any problem but he said we should not bother. Besides he eats here, even though it is only by 2pm." The counter attendant noticed that Helen had stopped listening. Helen was staring at the man. "ma'am, whats your order?" She said aloud to bring Helen's attention back to her. ""oh sorry, please give me the usual." I'll also take a drink." Helen took a drink and went to the man's table. "sir can I sit here?" The man placed his head on the table ignoring her. "hm... I'll take that as a yes!" Helen said and sat down. "Please leave. I am tired of everybody