My name is Ajunmani. I am the oldest man alive. Born long before the Britishers arrived. I am the immediate younger brother to the Way and I was the reason for the death of my Father. But, long before he died, I was given a scepter. A scepter made of wood, bronze and copper. Along with the scepter came a mandate to protect that very staff with my dear life. I saw all of that as traditional nonsense. * I can still hear the cry in my ears. The women's wailings seem to be unable to clear from my mind. It was war and simultaneously wasn't. When the head the sick, the body cannot but stay sick. How could the king have been kidnapped. Who's going to pay the ransom? I was already senescent with more experiences than those I see around. But, they were ready to take my life; everyone of them. I knew some of them, I had once preached to them about the only Way to the Father. "They are at the gate!" Geena said after peeping through the window. "Father, should I call f...