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Diamond- part 1

Holly, a ten year old girl and her six year brother, Dylan endured horrific misery from their father. They knew not the meaning of parental love since their mother died, which made Holly see it as her duty to protect her brother. Logan, their father was a drinkard, that apparently hated life. He got depressed after the loss of the love of his life, Heather. They were happily married for ten years, before she got burnt in a gory vehicle accident. Logan learnt of her death and never got over it. Every day, he'ld sit to drink just to forget his sorrows, but the grief never seemed to move. It was as a thick cloud that was ever with him wherever he went. And he'ld cry like a kid, whenever he remembers that Heather was no more. Holly seemed like a demon in human's body, making him so much grow hatred for her brother and her. He hated the sight of them and anyday he sees anyone of them, he'ld make life hell for such person. One morning, Logan had been out for work very ear


In a quiet suburban neighborhood, nestled amidst picturesque landscapes, there lived a small family consisting of Mr. Wilson, his beloved wife, and their precious little boy, Joe. Their humble abode was adorned with love and warmth, as they showered Joe with affection and imparted valuable life lessons. As Joe grew older, his parents would lovingly pray for him every night, shielding him with their hopes and dreams. However, they were aware that time was not on their side. They yearned to witness the milestones of his life, to see him grow into a fine young man, with a family of his own to cherish. Their days seemed to slip away too quickly. One day, when Joe turned ten, he approached his mother with a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes. He had observed his friends receiving extravagant toys as birthday gifts, leading him to muster the courage to express his own heartfelt desire. "Mama," Joe gazed at his mother's wrinkling face, his eyes blinking and his lips forming a g


 My name is Ajunmani—the oldest man alive. Born long before the Britishers arrived. I am the immediate younger brother to the Way and I was the reason for the death of my Father. But, long before he died, I was given a scepter. A scepter made of wood, bronze and copper. Along with the scepter came a mandate to protect that very staff with my dear life. I saw all of that as traditional nonsense. * I can still hear the cry in my ears. The women's wailings seem to be unable to clear from my mind. It was war and simultaneously wasn't. When the head the sick, the body cannot but stay sick. How could the king have been kidnapped. Who's going to pay the ransom? * I was already senescent with more experiences than those I see around. But, they were ready to take my life; everyone of them. I knew some of them, I had once preached to them about the only Way to the Father. "They are at the gate!" Geena said after peeping through the window. "Father, should I call fire

Out of the blue

This my story begins when I got into junior secondary school, over twenty-five years ago. I was new into the school. An only boys college. You know how it feels as a newbie, but you also should know how it is when the entire class is new into the school. Well, in no time, we all began to choose friends and best friends. I tried to keep to myself for a while, cause I felt it wasn't the right time for having friends. One thursday afternoon, we were to have elementary science, but we later got the information that the teacher was down on health. In no time, the whole class was upside down; almost everyone had something to talk about to their friend, but I was almost alone. Eventually, I faced a group not too far from me and tried to join their conversation while looking around for something more fun. Then I saw a short boy by the window all alone. He's called Tenke by everyone and his height somehow made everyone tease him. I figured that I could try befriending h


• Chapter 2 The morning after their wedding night, the couple were busy working on what they had discussed even before getting married. Mira held a scarlet ring, as her husband imprinted a little diagram that signified something unknown on the ring. The diagram was heptagonal in shape with a line crossing over it from left to right. A sign they alone understood. *** Mira remembered all these as she held the ring in her hand. She was not ready to cry again. She had wept so much, that she no longer saw tears as an option. Facing the wind with great zeal to fight was, to her, the best thing she could think of. She heard a knock at the door and called for the person to come in. Her voice brought no sound, so she cleared her throat and called again. "Come in." The door opened and Michel emerged. "Am I welcome?" Michel said smiling. "Don't kid me girl." Mira said with a friendly tone. Michel hopped on the bed. "I bought some groceries on my way home. A

Overview Of Time

Events happen at times too fast and at times they seem to drag on forever. But, it is what is gotten from each event in time that proves the fruitfulness of such occurrence. Well, it happened that a few days ago, not too long to be forgotten, I was told to prepare to see the one that was called by everyone 'Great.' In my mind, I was like I had nothing to offer or receive from the person, so I had no reason to meet the person. It never dawned on me that he was truly as he was called and that he would even pay me a visit cos I was like "why me?" At exactly 11:45 am on that Tuesday, I heard a knock. The knock that changed everything. That Tuesday was my only free day to do my house cleaning. But that knock... "Come in!" My mouth said inadvertently. "Happy is the man of this house." It sounded unfamiliar. Such greeting in this neighbourhood? Then it struck me hard; the awareness that 'Great' had truly come. I focused my gaze on the visitor and

Coming soon!!!! Nameless

It was a bloody evening. Charley sat next to the street light resting her back on nothing. She just stared at the emptiness in front of her and allowed her mind to move freely. The world around her, was more peaceful than ever. No living, no moving, save the whistling wind which watched and called her. Charley had on, her usual outfit, a pure black jacket on a blue jean, with matching black sandals. Except that this time around, she had red stains on the attire. In her mind lingered the words 'It All ends here. No going back. No way forward. The past may seem appealing, but instead gaze on who is leading...' ***** Small Roger sneaked out of his room. He was heading for the stadium where he could play basketball with his friends he had told he would meet. It was a Sunday afternoon, and throughout the service, like every other Sunday, he only wanted the time to be 11:30am, service closing time so he could go home and get ready to run to the stadium. Small Roger


Light-girl Reborn  Her eyes glowed from blue to lightning white, as she arose. "The Tenny in you is gone! The Tenny in you is gone! The daughter of the great Goddess of the world of light, I am Natusho!!!!!" Natusho found herself in space. She headed for the evil domain. And in light she got there. But didn't know how to enter. The world was just too dark. No guard was at the door. She used light energy to power the whole domain so she could freely move in. ***** Manuda was on Gostoki with the small sword on Gostoki's neck. The large one had been broken into two. "I'll make you suffer pain." Manuda said slaughtering Gostoki slowly. The room lit up and the light was blinding. "What's all these?" Manuda screamed. "Gostoki, you did this in this world? You have disobeyed the laws and you will vanish without cause. Gostoki began to fade away pretentiously. Manuda rose up from him. "You get to die without a fight for bringing light int