• Chapter 1 "Her Highness, Queen Betty, has raised the ban on robots and other high technology devices such as infomorphs, super AI computers, mind-distorter rays, and so many others, which were banned after their inability to respond correctly to orders late spring, last year. They are now back to normal and are... to... b..." Diago turned down the volume of his room's television. "Mum! The Queen has changed the laws on the techs!" Diago screamed from his room with excitement. "I know! Good news right?" She responded back. He jumped up and ran to his mini lab. He gently opened his door and halfway ajar, he slid in. He smiled as he stared at Demi, his robot which the connection was powered off mysteriously by the government. He had been working on upgrading Demi to be more human-like but at a point it began to disobey commands and even wanted to run away, before he was eventually powered off from CRHQ, a government lab that controls every high connect...