
"My eyes are too old to search for Sadiu anymore." Sadiku stated.
"Grandpa don't tell me you want me to search for your stupid robot.
My father died because he was searching for that thing." Earvin
angrily shouted.
"Your father died because he was disobedient and not because of
Sadiu." Sadiku said.
"No grandpa, I'm not going to help you."
Earvin stood up and ran to his room. Tacy, who had listened to all
they were saying followed Earvin. She turned the door knob and
fortunately it was not locked.
"Sister, I can't! Don't tell me about it." Earvin said furiously.
"This is not my cute fearless brother." Tacy remarked.
"But sister, father died in search of Sadiu." Earvin lamented.
"No! He died because he never listened to anyone. He wanted to do
everything on his own."
"But sister, I don't want to search for Sadiu. He's too dangerous.
And how can we know where he is if we did not create him. We don't
know how he looks." Earvin said.
Sadiku entered the room. "I have created a robonoid that can help you
in your search for Sadiu."
"And grandpa made us some weapons we could use to protect ourselves
from Sadiu's dangerous attack." Tacy said.
Earvin looked at Sadiku's face. "Why do we even need to search for
Sadiu?" Earvin asked curiously.
"I want you to destroy him, because he could be disastrous. He
changed his name from Sadiu to a name I do not know and he lives in
New York City."
"New York!" Earvin screamed.
"Yes, New York!" Sadiku replied.
"It's too far from here grandpa!" Earvin cried.
"Don't worry about transportation. I have everything fixed. My PA,
Mabel will take you there."
"But we did not say we are going anywhere." Earvin said.
"You just have to go! This is a special adventure I'm sending you on.
Are you ready!" Sadiku questioned
"Yes, we are!" Tacy said.
"No, we are not!" Earvin cried.
"Common Earvin. Grandpa, he is ready."
"Alright, start moving kids!"
